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Sustainability Saturdays: Plant-Based Swaps

Aerielle Rojas

Have you ever had that one vegan/vegetarian friend and asked: how do they do it? Have you ever wanted to, deep down, try it for yourself but don’t know how? In the spirit of this Sustainability Saturdays we've got you covered.

Eating fewer animal products has been linked to reducing one’s ecological footprint for years. For starters, it can reduce the rate of deforestation where cutting down forests to raise livestock is common. Land required for animal agriculture was once estimated to represent taking seven (American) football fields every minute , not to mention the tonnes of feed needed for the animals. Reducing this land and resource strain leaves more land for plant-based agriculture, and more resources to feed our growing population responsibly. Eating fewer animal products also decreases the water, land, and air pollution that results from animal product manufacturing. Take the methane gas that livestock produce for instance, the total contributes to nearly half of food’s global greenhouse emissions!

Now, we know what you’re thinking. We’re not telling you to go vegan overnight (unless you want to, you’re a hero!) but there is a consensus that sustainably, plants are the way to go. Here are 5 tips to take you there:

plant-based non-dairy milk swap

1. Try a dairy free milk alternative

In the 21st century, we no longer have to rely on cow’s milk to satisfy our dairy-laden cravings. There are the good ol’ soy and almond milks, which are taking the world by storm. You can find them as common alternatives in most coffee shops, grocery stores, and even in big chains like Starbucks and Costa. Dairy free milks also include options of oat, coconut, rice, and hemp milks which can be very tasty and available at various markets. You could also be super boujee and make your own, using a blender or new devices like the Almond Cow. Substituting your cereal milk, coffee creamer, or smoothie go-to with a dairy free milk is a no-brainer!

Vegetarian Vegan food

2. Make a veggie version of your favourite dish

Don’t deprive yourself of your beloved classics - innovate! Are you a pizza lover? Why not get some mates together and try a vegan version with dairy-free cheese and veg? Or maybe you’re a die-hard curry fan, and can incorporate some vegetable swaps for your usual meat ingredients. Trying the plant-based version of your favourite meals ensures that you’re not restricting yourself-it's about trying something new (and saving the planet while doing so).

Quorn burgers

3. Swap out meat for Quorn

If you haven’t heard of Quorn they are a meatless alternatives company based in the UK that offer a variety of substitutes to try. The products incorporate mycoprotein, a plant derived source of nutrients, including protein and fibre. They offer fully made frozen meals (the busy student’s favourite) like lasagna and parmigiana cutlets, to meatless meatballs. Hint: the standalone meat substitutes would be perfect for trying your favourite dishes’ vegetable versions. And who knows, they may even be better than the original!

Meat Free Mondays feast

4. Meat-Free Mondays

Scheduling your meals can prove to be efficient in your environmental efforts. Meatless Mondays is a large campaign started in 2003, but has become more relevant with each passing year. The main idea is to skip meat for that one day a week, and by doing it on Monday, it starts off your week with an accomplishment already under your belt. Ask others to hold you accountable, or invite them to join in the challenge. It’s more fun to do a meatless themed meal with your family or housemates! Try the website’s list of amazing recipes to get inspired.

5. Try independent veggie restaurants

We all know the joy of eating out. But while that’s paused, try and support your local restaurants in a new way: a vegetarian friendly way. Look up local plant-based places in your area and treat yourself to some take away! If there’s no vegetarian based restaurants, most internet searches also include places with vegetarian/vegan options. There’s always a spot to surprise you, and the joy in this is that there is no effort required. Who knew saving the planet was so great?

Remember that every plant powered decision you make is one step towards sustainable progress. And in a world that’s crying for ecological change, progress is all we can ask for.


1 Comment

Tania Feliz-Patron
Tania Feliz-Patron
Feb 28, 2021

Great article with simple and doable ideas!



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