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Sustainability Saturdays: Who to follow on Instagram

Amy Jones

Hello and welcome back to Leeds RAG Fashion Show. This week we thought we would give you the low down on who to follow on Instagram; to get tips and tricks on how to be more sustainable, fashion brands to be loving (or not loving), as well as some sustainable fashion industry insights.

Phone screen on Instagram

Firstly, it goes without saying, Labour Behind the Label has a special place in our hearts. We are still so excited that they are one of our charity partners for 2021, we really admire the work that they do. From campaigning for workers rights to ensuring that the people that make our clothes are paid and treated fairly- this charity deserves our support. If you are unable to provide monetary donations to these causes, what better way to show your support and allegiance with their work than following their efforts on social media, sharing their posts and spreading the word to get their work heard.

Recently, Labour Behind the Label have been advocating for their #PayUP campaign; pressuring companies that are exploiting their workers, through not paying them correctly after factory orders were cancelled during the pandemic.

Campaign imagery from Labour Behind the Label saying: Pay Your Workers
Labour Behind the Label Instagram Post

Know The Origin is a sustainable and ethical fashion brand, born through founder Charlotte Instone's desire to build a better industry. After the devastating Rana Plaza collapse in 2013, she began to question whether the current fashion industry was one she could resonate with. After travels all over the globe, from Mexico to Cambodia, Charlotte discovered an organic cotton farm in India and built an ethical supply chain from seed to sewn garment. The website hosts over 150 sustainable fashion brands, as well as their own ethical label. Know The Origin's Instagram is full of beautifully aesthetic ethical and sustainable products the brand sells, including fashion, beauty and lifestyle alternatives.

Next time you find yourself procrastinating on your study break and you end up wondering how to fill your void of unproductivity... why not browse their Instagram for amazing quality items with your conscience intact. A cool recent post included Nixits reusable menstrual cup- far more sustainable than any other traditional period product and well worth a look!!

Know The Origin Instagram Post of a woman in a grey sleeveless blazer
Know The Origin Instagram Post

Claire Press, the founder of Mrspress Instagram, is a major sustainability crush of ours right now. We are loving her activist content and her Ethical Fashion Podcast to keep us engaged, and in the sustainable fashion loop, as we venture around Hyde Park on our one walk of the day (don't worry Boris). She also created The Wardrobe Crisis enterprise, where she has written a book, an online magazine, managed her social media account and presents a podcast all revolving around sustainable fashion. Without a doubt, this multi-talented woman and her efforts in the sustainability field need to be followed and supported!!

Her social media posts are engaging yet informative, encouraging her followers to think about the impact of their actions as well as their purchases. She also posts inspiring talks and speeches for change, looking towards a positive future. Her podcasts are posted on her Instagram and we would highly recommend a listen.

Mrspress Instagram Post of Clare holding some pink flowers and a bunch of carrots
Mrspress Instagram Post

The Sustainable Fashion Forum Instagram platform prides itself as community for fresh perspectives on issues facing the fashion industry. This immediately ticks all our boxes- we love discussing our ideas within the industry, especially when it comes to sustainability and ways in which our damaging human impact can be minimised. It acts an encyploedia for all thing sustainable fashion. This ranges all the way from sharing relevant articles from Vogue, to collaborations with ThredUp informing followers about circular fashion, and even to memes demonstrating their exasperation at some of the industries poor efforts so far.

The Instagram page really is a one stop for all sorts of information and resources about sustainable fashion, and through engaging capsules of knowledge intertwined with fun memes, it really is a pleasant scroll.

The Sustainable Fashion Forum Instagram Post
The Sustainable Fashion Forum Instagram Post

Kathryn Kellogg is yet another strong, powerful, female figure voicing her opinions on sustainability in the fashion industry; a true climate optimist and we are living for it. Through her Instagram she aims to inspire positive action from her followers and has even created some fun videos explaining easy and simple ways to become more sustainable. Some of our favourite pieces of content include simple sustainable swaps as well as her reels on sustainability tips. These are super helpful and achievable- this makes the content even more engaging! We wholeheartedly recommend you give her a follow.

We also adore how she also aims to spread positivity and love on her platform- lets face it we all need an optimistic attitude to propel us through this turbulent start to 2021. Keep an eye on her #GoodNewsFriday posts to retain some hope for world affairs.

She also has a really cute dog, so if you need a burst of serotonin, go have a stalk at her Nala highlight.... Instagram Post of Kathryn and her dog Nala Instagram Post

We hope you enjoyed this snapshot into a few of our favourite Instagram pages to follow; go have a cheeky stalk to see more of what you've been missing. Instagram can be a great platform to spread awareness for sustainable change- and that is exactly what these pages do :)

Join us next week for some simple sustainable swaps to make in your toiletries bag....

See you soon!

Leeds RAG Fashion Show x



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