The Leeds RAG Fashion Show is back for its 14th show! Before we let you know what the theme for this year is we thought we'd give you a final clue.
The topic for today's blog is the power of social media in sparking important conversations.

Following the pandemic, digitisation grew at an extreme rate. It became an essential tool for businesses to connect with their consumers and vice versa.
Social media provides everyone with a platform to share their opinions, discuss important topics and spread awareness. Here at LRFS, we want to use our platforms to discuss current issues and we urge you to do the same.

This year we are partnering with charities Stop Hate UK and the Racial Justice Network, who are dedicated to aiding very important causes. At LRFS, our aim for this year is to spark important conversations, introduce more diversity into the world of fashion and illustrate the need for change within the fashion industry and the wider world.
We want to be a voice of diversity, innovation and honesty. And we want you to join us on that mission.
In the upcoming weeks we will be creating a series of posts on tackling important topics. Our first focus will be the lack of diversity within workplaces, particularly fashion and the creative industry. We want to hear directly from individuals who have experienced this first hand.
If you are willing to share your story please get in touch via email:
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