For this week's instalment of Sustainability Saturdays we are venturing into your bathroom. Often, the bathroom can go overlooked when we're considering ways to live more sustainably. It shouldn't: there are actually some really simple swaps that we can make to ensure that we're living our lives in the best ways possible, and they might even result in a better lifestyle for us all as well.

Sustainable Safety Razor
Investing in a good quality, plastic free sustainable safety razor is a great swap for all genders. Just think about how many cheap, plastic razors you throw out each year once the blades start to get blunt. Wouldn't it be better for both the planet and your wallet if you could stop the cycle of constantly throwing out and buying plastic?
Just a quick Google search will show you a vast array of options from different brands, at different price points, and in different colours. Of course, you will still need to buy replacement blades. Unlike disposable razors, however, this way of shaving will be far more affordable and better for the environment.

Menstrual Cup
Menstrual cups are a divisive issue. Objectively, they are a much more eco-friendly alternative to sanitary towels and tampons because they are reusable. They're hygienic if cared for properly, comfortable (allegedly) and safe. However, the idea of swapping to a menstrual cup is still an unsettling idea for many people and they just don't seem as convenient as traditional products.
However, there are massive amounts of plastic in the packaging of sanitary towels and tampons that are impossible to recycle and so end up in the planet's ecosystem for years. As the popularity of menstrual cups continues to grow, we may well consider this to be an increasingly necessary and easy bathroom swap for a more sustainable future.

Reusable Cotton Pads
This is another bathroom swap that is good for your wallet and the planet. Not only do cotton pads come encased in single-use plastic packaging, but each pad also contains trace amounts of substances that are no good for our planet. However, investing in some reusable cotton pads means that you never have to contribute to this kind of pollution when you take your makeup off ever again.
Reusable cotton pads are affordable and super soft. Plus, they're easy to take care of. Simply pop them in the washing machine once you've got your use out of them and they'll be good as new again once they're dry. Speaking from personal experience, they're also way more gentle on sensitive skin than disposable pads too.

Recycled Toilet Paper (Without Plastic Packaging)
This is undoubtedly the most essential of all bathroom essentials and so the most important one to switch. However, this might also be the one that you are most reluctant to change. The thought of recycled toilet paper doesn't exactly conjure up the softest and most comfortable of images, but with sustainability becoming more and more of a priority for many businesses, recycled toilet paper is starting to get its time in the limelight.
There are loads of recycled toilet paper brands that actually offer incredibly soft options, while helping the planet. Plus, the really savvy brands have ditched their single-use plastic packaging too, opting to use packaging in smaller quantities and made out of completely recycled or recyclable materials.

Bar Soap
Bar soap isn't just for your nan - it's coming back in a big way, not least thanks to its sustainable advantages over liquid hand soap. Brands like Lush have always led the charge for packaging free bar soaps, but now they're becoming more and more popular all over the high street too.
By choosing bar soap, you are eliminating so much unnecessary packaging and waste, while also getting a product that just feels a little bit more special. From major brands to local, artisanal sellers, you can find bar soaps for every room in the house, in every scent, shape, and colour. They're far more whimsical and fun than just a bottle of soap, and it doesn't hurt that they are far superior for the environment too.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways that we can make small, affordable changes to our bathroom habits that will result in a happier planet, a heavier wallet, and probably a better self-care routine too.